Vosker Portable Security Cameras - Page Bottom
Our newest line of cameras fill a need that many of our customers have felt when finding their remote property vandalized, when trying to conduct wireless surveillance in an area with no WiFi, or simply to get a camera in a spot in an area with no power. The VOSKER V100 4G wireless outdoor security camera and VOSKER V200 LTE wireless outdoor security camera with solar panel portable surveillance cameras are our new go-to solutions when faced with situations such as these.
One of the greatest features of this system is the cellular connectivity. The device will snap a photo of any motion that triggers the PIR heat sensor and upload that to the VOSKER cloud server for you to access on your phone or computer. A 30 day trial of full access to the application and unlimited storage capacity starts when you first register the device, which helps you to choose which service plan will be the best option for you depending on the amount of storage you're going to need for monitoring the area you place the camera. What's more: the most basic option is completely FREE after purchase of the device!
Not only are these surveillance cams able to be placed nearly anywhere within cell coverage to help you in your monitoring needs, many accessories are available for added security and connectivity. There is the steel-framed security enclosure, designed to accept and protect either camera type installed inside; the steel-braided 6ft cable lock which can be used alone or with the steel-box enclosure; an un-powered, omnidirectional external antenna with 15ft of cable that offers a way to get a signal out over treetops or out of an alleyway; as well as a rechargeable battery pack to take the place of the bank of 8 AA batteries necessary to power the units.
Due to the amount of requests for items such as these, we searched and searched for the best devices that would offer the most help, at the most affordable prices. The line of VOSKER cameras and accessories brings the do-it-yourself-er to the level of the professional installer with the ease of setup and file management right from your smartphone. Never again be left unaware of the goings on at your vacation home or at the dock where you store your boat. Never again let the target of an investigation move without being seen. Let your eyes be everywhere at once!